by Ron Sokol | Dec 5, 2020 | Poems
She felt a sense of relief “It’s ok to cry!” You see she had wondered if dew are tears The rain certainly is a good cry A hurricane sobbing When she became a waterfall after much effort it was to suggest joy even giddiness To transform To maneuver...
by Ron Sokol | Dec 2, 2020 | Poems
Mom and dad have moved on Indeed “You’re an orphan now…” “Excuse me?” “Well, you have family but you are without parents now.” “I will have you know I am a child of God!” (That always shuts ‘em up) And it feels really...
by Ron Sokol | Nov 29, 2020 | Poems
I tried dieting A steady intake of only ethereal words Poems for breakfast Haiku a light snack Lunch a short story Dinner at least one chapter of a marvelous novel Each night I did not dream but sailed through clouds straits beneath and above the sea and woke to a...
by Ron Sokol | Nov 25, 2020 | Poems
I look forward to it See you then! With that my gaze returned to the world I realized the time will come and we will saunter once more His tail will keep time for eternity wagging People will greet me and be friendly because of him All this time I thought the hand had...
by Ron Sokol | Nov 22, 2020 | Poems
Quiet Time to think no pressure at all Walk Everything is patient Sun refuses to be shy The whole landscape is perfectly fine If you fall down a horse trots over, leans down its head and nods It will take you back home when you’re ready All this stuff...