by Ron Sokol | Sep 15, 2019 | Poems
I have come to visit many times Wish you could talk but you know what it really isn’t necessary I can hear you just by looking You have had quite a time growing struggling stretching fighting to survive surviving twisting giving birth to branches to...
by Ron Sokol | Sep 13, 2019 | Poems
I want to be a rooster so that at break of daylight I can wake everyone up and make sure they know (in no particular order) the stars are done for the night they clocked out the sun is about to say Hello World! A few of them birds gonna chirp and kids are up to a...
by Ron Sokol | Sep 12, 2019 | Poems
I don’t mind so much being placed on hold since it assumes I will still be alive when someone answers Seems the IRS is really after me and this nice person (with a strange accent) is telling me about “Biggggg trouble” unless I get that credit card...
by Ron Sokol | Sep 7, 2019 | Poems
“Please walk with me” “Why?” “I want to show you some things – ” “What?” “Well, this forest for one” “Really? Not real interested, sorry” “This sunlight, ok? Enjoy it!”...
by Ron Sokol | Sep 7, 2019 | Poems
The Titanic is disintegrating (news report) Metal eating bacteria and the influence of the current in the deep graveyard where it rests Wait I never thought of that ship resting I never think of the departed as resting I think of them returning to disappearance (about...