by Ron Sokol | Feb 27, 2021 | Poems
Look at me I’m as helpless as a kitten up a tree Oh wait wait I am a tree! But look at me I tower I stretch I am very tall But I am so so so bare and it is very cold Ring the bells please make a clarion call won’t you? Spring time Spring time Hurry!...
by Ron Sokol | Feb 24, 2021 | Poems
I am not your shadow might live in it Might bask in it Knew you know you well but you do not know me You are you were like the wind after all you affected me you inspired me you touched me You made days afternoons evenings all that much more! But we never actually...
by Ron Sokol | Feb 22, 2021 | Poems
Damn if Marty and Liz did not get hitched eloped they did Kids! Sammy is now 3 years in getting his stripes may make the military his career Very proud very! Don is well had a brush with cancer but in remission and has a good attitude Weather is ok here Days are...
by Ron Sokol | Feb 20, 2021 | Poems
Did you know him? Your tears tell me you did Gone forever you say? That’s not him there in the corner? Don’t you see him? Odd, I do But not through my eyes Here (I pointed to my heart) Here? she asked Yes there Put your hand over your heart She did and...
by Ron Sokol | Feb 17, 2021 | Poems
This is the deal Over night poems blanket much of the world You call it dew tho some think it’s fog Clouds to be certain are percussion instruments Roosters are trumpets heralding the dawn! All this synthesizes while most are sleeping To wake eyes open...