by Ron Sokol | Aug 29, 2020 | Poems
It took quite awhile to figure out what to say how to say it Even how to stand what hand gestures to use But I wanted to be sure to do it well and to provide solace because indeed she would be so devastated by what I had to tell her “Dear, you are very loved and...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 22, 2020 | Stories
Some times I put the umbrella down, next to me, and the rains makes itself all the more present. Drenches me some times. I don’t mind, but the umbrella is incensed: “I exist for this you fool — use me! Open me back up!” Is your umbrella a bit...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 21, 2020 | Poems
“Would you stop that incessant noise!” Here I go to the beach for some peace and quiet and those damn gulls squawk like it’s new year’s eve! What the hell is wrong with them? Flying all over the every where Dive bombing into the sea You’d...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 19, 2020 | Poems
It was quiet everyone and I mean every one was asleep or nodding off So I went to the very core of the eternal clock (you know the one that actually keeps time for the entire universe) and I made the slighest most subtle adjustments imaginable First it will never...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 15, 2020 | Poems
There was a time I felt safe secure never alone guardian angel I had and a good looking one at that! There was a time I felt that everything was coming up roses No weeds no potholes no strife That time vanished one day (so did he) I still have the image though no one...