by Ron Sokol | Jan 10, 2020 | Poems, Uncategorized
When will it be my time… When? She stood on stage facing an empty auditorium except for a dog who barked, ran from the aisle up the stairs and jumped against her full of unbridled joy A month later she bowed The play is very very well received She is in a most...
by Ron Sokol | Aug 8, 2019 | Poems, Uncategorized
When I broke down on the highway and that was it (the tow truck did not even bother with my remains) many wondered how things got to that point and I reminded them all my life I had run and carried things and run some more and got beat up by time and weather and you...
by Ron Sokol | Jun 22, 2019 | Poems, Uncategorized
Where are you going? Indescribable. Really? You’re so young though. When I get there I will know. Oh, come on! Please believe me: Everyone says the same thing. Everyone? Hobos Priests Teachers Young people Older folks Athletes Writers Dancers — Ok ok...
by Ron Sokol | Jun 8, 2019 | Poems, Uncategorized
That’s silly what you said how you said it and how you did it Putting your finger on her nose and giggling “Beep beep” That’s ridiculous And hopping around like a kangaroo Come on you’re a grown man That’s preposterous reciting...