First it makes no sense to me but the match started at 3 a.m. The weigh-in was ridiculous with Time being too ethereal (they said) for the scale "In this cornerrrrrrrrr, weighing in at 170 pounds, height average, blue trunks. from anywhere on earth the Every 'I Have Had Enough'... Man. Every Mannnnnn!!!" And in this corner, at an indeterminate height, no apparent weight, in the infinity trunks, Time 'Is On My Side'... Timmmmmmmeeeee!!!!!" It was so hard to grapple with him or her or it I threw punches that seemed to land but then BAM! Out of nowhere Time connected and I was limping Oh, but I rallied, scored a bunch of points and then KABOOM! Cancer In the ninth round Time even began taunting me: "You mortal! I'm ticking! It's inevitable!" But, but, then I realized best to tune all that out Best to laugh and have faith Best to deny mortality, best to punch back and punch back and punch back and punch back Oh baby I have Time on the ropes The Referee was checking to see if Time was disoriented The match is called! T K O! Time is knocked out! Time has been splattered! I was ecstatic elated relieved rejuvenated Except... oh no. Oh no. I sat up in bed... "That was a helleva dream!" It was 3:05 a.m. and very quiet I saw the moon just staring at me