by Ron Sokol | Dec 20, 2020 | Poems
Eat a peach, that’s your question? Have you seen the waves today? How is it that I find myself here, at the precipice? Could I not just stay home by the hearth? Why must I dare the elements? I know why others do as well We long to be in the cradle of beauty, to...
by Ron Sokol | Dec 15, 2020 | Poems
Excuse me I need a home Excuse me Anyone? The wind at times is my only companion and even she blows right by Walking helps Sitting only brings to bear that weight I need a home There should be a pound for wayward humans Well there is for dogs Why not for humans? Folks...
by Ron Sokol | Dec 12, 2020 | Poems
Give me three good reasons why I should fall in love Fall in love, you hear that? What breaks the fall? Leap off a cliff is more like it With love you say I will sprout wings? Really? So have faith? Ignore those who have been injured Take your chances! (so many...
by Ron Sokol | Dec 10, 2020 | Poems
The cupboard was bare so we stocked up on goodies lined the shelves and waited She moved slowly head down into the kitchen We watched excitedly from the other room She discovered the food the packages the goods the grains the fruit the candy even She said out loud...
by Ron Sokol | Dec 6, 2020 | Poems
“Let me get this straight You walked up the hill God revealed himself but you are not sure if it was a male or a female God told you to cook brisket for dinner and announce to everyone there they have much to be grateful for including the feast before them which...