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What if the big dipper gobbled up a lot of stars like eating   breakfast cereal Washed it down with molten lava Burped and growled “What’s for lunch?” Maybe the universe is really just ravenous and  out of control No wonder unsettled picnics are the norm on earth Even...


I am pretty sure it is far better to be a window facing out toward the sea than a window in a high rise looking out at some random part of the city I remain reasonably confident it is far better to be a window facing out toward the sea than peering out at a lake From...
A Sunday Thought

A Sunday Thought

I think, maybe you agree, that the reason the brightest star in our sky is Sirius, the dog star, is to remind us that the unconditional love of a dog is the brightest star in the sky, or among the very brightest. In Greek the word sirius means glowing. We have many...


If you listen you can hear the joy of a tree Sadly you can also hear it suffer Think of all the ways we relate with trees My favorite just sit against one look up and marvel This story below reminds Could be you or me Could be Brought over in a pocket A stork of a...


I told him that when I come back when I am reincarnated that I just want to be a wheelchair (but a talking wheelchair) Why he asked So I can carry someone along well enough but also say stuff you know cheerful stuff inspiring stuff A wheelchair? You want to come back...