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I was able to both catch a ray of sunlight and have a humming bird land on my finger (just like that for a split second) One time It was not something to go on about No yelling or you know hooting and hollering but it was a moment I knew that everything every single...


I could not run any faster could not and just sprinted like mad including to bound up the stairs like a lighting bolt only to pant and say nothing not a thing when she opened the door “You are out of breath are you ok?” I just bent over nodded nodded...


Churn churn churn to every season churn churn churn All right let’s face it I take advantage of what I am that’s right I love to butter people up Love it! Butter ’em up get him nice and tender and then snap them in the nose! That’s right I am a...


Six of this half dozen of that Ah let’s just pull straws In decision Listen to a compass In decision Watch which way the birds fly In decision Never ever come to a conclusion In decision It’s for the feint of heart In decision Nothing decisive nothing...


There’s a heavenly Father and then there’s my dad He passed away many years ago Kind of See he still figures in a bunch of things like my upbringing that I like baseball things he taught me things he said You know the good die young and the very very good...