by Ron Sokol | Feb 10, 2020 | Poems
You always thought (and still do) that a cobbler makes shoes Not a pie no not an apple or even a peach cobbler What you wear on your feet to traverse the terrain thats the cobbler’s objective so you can make it through the alley to walk up the stairs to that house...
by Ron Sokol | Feb 7, 2020 | Poems
After taking a bath he decided to walk outside unclothed naked as the day he was born But the gasps of his neighbors convinced him to hurry back inside and at least take a sheet with him Going outside this second time he introduced himself as Socrates It was clear...
by Ron Sokol | Feb 1, 2020 | Poems
Don’t put your hand on a hot stove Love with all your heart Protect the beauty of the world even the tiny fragile flower Recover from grief or at least at least try to When you get a chance giggle Most importantly: Accept the consequences of having faith that there is...