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Were you around when those astronauts with all that excitement shot up in the air and the whole thing just exploded and President Reagan made such a poetic speech “We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their...


Everyone every thing Absolutely all Insect animal tree (what am I leaving out?) will pass away We die The moment we arrive the time clock starts Do you race to the finish line? Do you skip and have nary a care? Or are you a flower who wilts even in the soft rain? I...


I will light a candle and ask that you do so as well At night the candle will be visible from a window to the world the whole wide world (even if just barely) And please from a window sill, wherever you are It will say: Hold firm to the creed that we will try and try...


Not left on the front porch Not ordered on line In fact struggled mightily Barely arrived Finally Tattered worn but breathing And survived to this moment to write to everyone Anyone My mom and dad bought a statue the week of my birth I have it here All this time it...


Will I make it? The baby then tries to stand Will I survive? The cancer patient is then wheeled into surgery The sun never asks It is there all the time Powerful spectacular and insistent Always has been since the very beginning Between your birth and your demise my...