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Ever wake up at 2 in the morning, enveloped in darkness, nowhere to go, no one to talk with? Moon hung out there like an old coat clinging to a hook Ever think of the sky as just a big closet? Can’t find my slippers, ah there they are, and they fit like Cinderella’s...


Ok, so I am not so good at hyping my wares, but I have a new book, the fifth in the Kindred Series (and no not about vampires…). With Kindred Instruments the endeavor is to bring musical instruments to life. Here is one of the stories that I hope you will like....


You think I could dance in that spotlight? That ain’t no spot light. Just the lamp post shining on a wet street. Looks like a spot light to me… So then why don’t you do a dance right there in the middle of the street? Maybe you can get run over!...


I took an easel went down to the ocean Sat got the brushes ready the paints took a deep breath Looked up and felt completely intimidated Decided there must be a way to take what I see and just cup it in my hands and pour that gently onto the canvas Someone walked by...


I stood at the very front of the boat “We are almost there!” I could see the harbor in the distance I could see land We are coming from elsewhere Yes, true, we are fleeing from where we are It is all rather harrowing but our hopes are high Hobos indeed, of...